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Your Gateway to the Automotive Aftermarket! At Kapico South Africa, we redefine the automotive aftermarket experience by blending reliability and a commitment to customer satisfaction. As a leading wholesale distributor of automotive aftermarket parts and accessories, we bring a wealth of expertise and a legacy to the South African aftermarket through our wide range of customers from Trade, Distribution, Fleet and Retail. Our network includes conveniently located distributors, retailers and service centres. Our greatest asset is the professional team whose passion for the automotive industry, product knowledge, and our customer-focused approach is second to none in the industry.
Trust is Our Tradition:
With our pursuit of excellence, Kapico South Africa has become synonymous with providing aftermarket solutions and we stand as your trusted parts partner.
Product Portfolio:
Discover our selection of world-class automotive aftermarket and OEM brands within our product and category portfolios.
Customer-Centric Approach:
At Kapico South Africa, our customers are at the heart of everything we do. Our commitment to providing an experience extends beyond the purchase, from after-sales service to personalised support.
Since 1950, the Automotive Business has been the flagship within the Kapico Group with a vertical presence in every product segment of the Automotive Aftermarket across the Middle East & African markets representing more than 150 world-leading brands in Car & Truck Spare Parts, Auto Glass, Batteries, Car Care, Lubricants and Tyres.